The coins of Theophilus (or Theophilos) are extremely rare, so he must have had a short reign, but he used four
different monograms and issued four different silver types (including an Attic weight tetradrachm) and two different bronze types. Thus the
length of his reign and the extent of his kingdom remain somewhat mysterious. Unfortunately I have been unable to obtain photos of any of his
silver types.
Theophilus |

Theophilus, Bronze Quadruple
Weight: 7.44 gm. Dimensions: 19 x 20 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of Herakles right, with club on shoulder,
Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΔIKAIOY / ΘEOΦIΛOY
(Basileos Dikaiou Theophilou ... of King Theophilus, the just)
Cornucopia, monogram at left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa / dhramiasa / theuphilasa
Reference: MIG 375a, Bop 4A
This is a remarkable coin in several ways. It is the only Indo-Greek coin to feature a cornucopia as the
basic design element on the reverse. The pairing of a Herakles obverse with a cornucopia reverse is even more noteworthy, as the cornucopia
has no significance for Herakles. Perhaps the king was conveying to his subjects his ability to maintain both political and economic well-being?
Third, the word for "the just" is rendered dhramiasa rather than the normal dhramikasa.

Theophilus, Bronze Quadruple
Weight: 8.19 gm. Dimensions: 22 x 21 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of Herakles right, wearing lion head-dress,
Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΔIKAIOY / ΘEOΦIΛOY
Club, monogram at right,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa / dhramiasa / theuphilasa
Reference: MIG 376a, Bop 5A
Here we have a much more "normal" coin: Herakles is paired with his usual attribute, a club, and
the word for "the just" is rendered the normal dhramikasa.