Peucolaos (or Peukolaos) is another king about whom we know next to nothing. His coins are extremely rare, and
all use just one set of monograms, so his reign must have been short and his kingdom very limited in size. All coin photos on this page, courtesy CNG.
Apart from the coins below, Peucolaos also issued square bronze units.
Peucolaos |

Peucolaos, Silver tetradrachm
Weight: 8.85 gm. Diameter: 26 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of king right, Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔIKAIOY KAI ΣΩTHPOΣ / ΠEYKOΛAOY
(Basileos Dikaiou kai Soteros Peukolaou ... of King Peucalaos, the just and the savior)
Zeus standing left, holding scepter and conferring blessing with his right hand
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa dhramikasa tratarasa / pi'ukula'asa
Reference: MIG 369a, Bop 1A

Peucolaos, Silver drachm
Weight: 2.06 gm. Diameter: n.a. Die axis: 12h
Bust of king right, Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔIKAIOY KAI ΣΩTHPOΣ / ΠEYKOΛAOY
(Basileos Dikaiou kai Soteros Peukolaou ... of King Peucalaos, the just and the savior)
Zeus standing left, holding scepter and conferring blessing with his right hand
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa dhramikasa tratarasa / pi'ukula'asa
Reference: MIG ---, Bop ---
The drachm was unknown until a few coins appeared in the market in the 2000's.This coins monograms match those
of the tetradrachm.

Peucolaos, Silver drachm
Weight: 1.99 gm. Diameter: 17 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of king right, Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔIKAIOY KAI ΣΩTHPOΣ / ΠEYKOΛAOY
(Basileos Dikaiou kai Soteros Peukolaou ... of King Peucalaos, the just and the savior)
Zeus standing left, holding scepter and conferring blessing with his right hand
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa dhramikasa tratarasa / pi'ukula'asa
Reference: MIG ---, Bop ---
This coin has only one monogram.