The Yueh-Chi were a nomadic tribe from southern China who were pushed further and further west by their rivals. Eventually,
they made their way into Bactria and the surrounding areas.
The first identified Yueh-Chi prince has always been called Sapadbizes. However, as a close examination of the coins shows,
the name should be Sapalbizes, not Sapadbizes. The fifth letter is a Λ (lambda), not a Δ (delta). A discussion
on the southasia-coins eGroup confirmed that all coins of this ruler do indeed read "Sapalbizes," except that reportedly
there is one coin at the British Museum that carries a Δ. Perhaps it was this coin that first led numismatists
(presumably in this case Major General Cunningham was the first) to name this prince Sapadbizes.
It is interesting to note that the name Sapalbizes is more in keeping with a line of Scythian names that are known from
the coins: Spalirises, Spalagadames and Spalahores. The prefix "Spal" or "Sapal" connects the words to "the army."

Silver hemidrachm c. 20 BCE
Weight:1.84 gm., Diam:15 mm., Die axis: 1h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: MAC 2824. |

Silver hemidrachm c. 20 BCE
Weight:1.76 gm., Diam:15 mm., Die axis: 1h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: MAC 2824. |

Silver hemidrachm c. 20 BCE
Weight:1.53 gm., Diam:15 mm., Die axis: 12h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: MAC 2824. |

Silver hemidrachm c. 20 BCE
Weight:1.50 gm., Diam:15 mm., Die axis: 1h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: MAC 2824. |
A curious aspect of the depiction of the lion on the reverse is that the mouth
is agape with tongue protruding (suggesting that the lion is roaring), but the tail is between the legs! |

Silver obol c. 20 BCE
Weight:0.51 gm., Diam:12 mm., Die axis: 12h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: MAC 2829-30. |

Silver obol c. 20 BCE
Weight:0.50 gm., Diam:12 mm., Die axis: 12h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: MAC 2829-30. |

Copper chalkous c. 20 BCE
Weight:1.95 gm., Diam:16 mm., Die axis: 1h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: Rtveladze 19. |
Copper coins of Sapalbizes are unlisted in Mitchiner, and are extremely rare,
rarer than the silvers. |

Copper chalkous c. 20 BCE
Weight:1.49 gm., Diam:15 mm., Die axis: 11h Helmeted bust right, greek legend: CAΠAΛBIZHC /
Lion standing right, tamgha of hill & crescent above Greek legend right and left: NANAIA
Ref: Rtveladze 19. |