After the death of the great king Azes, Scythian power in India rapidly waned, with a few kings surviving here and there for a short while longer.
Rajuvula was one of these kings. He ruled in Mathura and in the Jammu area in the early part of the new millenium, losing part of his kingdom to the rising Indo-Parthian king
Gondophares. He retained his seat in Mathura, where he was succeeded by his son Sodasa.
Rajuvula |

Rajuvula, billon drachm
Weight: 1.85 gm. Diameter: 13 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of king right, (blundered) Greek legend around
Seen from behind, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding horizontal shield
on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand,
monograms at left and right,
Kharoshthi legend around: chatrapasa apratihatachakrasa rajuvulasa
Reference: MIG 902a, Senior 151.22D
Rajuvula used as his reverse type the image of Athena hurling a thunderbolt, a design used by many Indo-Greek kings, starting with
Menander. Perhaps he had some Greek blood in him too.

Rajuvula, billon drachm
Weight: 2.42 gm. Diameter: 12 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of king right, (blundered) Greek legend around
Seen from behind, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding horizontal shield
on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand,
monograms at left and right,
Kharoshthi legend around: chatrapasa apratihatachakrasa rajuvulasa
Reference: MIG 903a, Senior ---
The tiny flans of Rajuvula's coins makes it difficult to see much of the legends. The drachms grew steadily more debased.

Rajuvula, billon drachm
Weight: 2.21 gm. Diameter: 12 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of king right, (blundered) Greek legend around
Seen from behind, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding horizontal shield
on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand,
monograms at left and right,
Kharoshthi legend around: chatrapasa apratihatachakrasa rajuvulasa
Reference: MIG 903b, Senior 151.30D

Rajuvula, lead triple unit
Weight: 7.35 gm. Diameter: 18 mm Die axis: 3h
Lion right, (blundered) Greek legend around
Hercules standing left, holding club and lion skin in left arm,
right arm outstretched, monograms at left and right,
swastika at left, Kharoshthi legend around
Reference: MIG 905a, Senior 153.2

Rajuvula, lead double unit
Weight: 4.00 gm. Diameter: 13.5 mm Die axis: 1h
Lion right, (blundered) Greek legend around
Hercules standing left, holding club and lion skin in left arm,
right arm outstretched, monograms at left and right
Reference: MIG ---, Senior 153.6a