Amyntas was another king known only from his coins who used a key monogram used by several of his
predecessors, including Heliocles II, Polyxenus, Philoxenus and Diomedes. Amyntas, however, has a great distinction: he produced the
largest silver coins known in ancient times: double decadrachms of the Attic standard, whose notional weight would be 84.80 gm. Not
one, but TWO types of such coins were issued. One is illustrated below; the other had on the reverse an enthroned city goddess
holding a cornucopia.
Amyntas |

Amyntas, Silver double decadrachm (Attic standard)
Weight: c. 85 gm. Diameter: c. 65 mm Die axis: n.a.
Diademed and helmeted bust of king right, bead and reel border around
Zeus enthroned three-quarters left, holding scepter and palm in left arm,
and holding Athena in his outstretched right hand, monogram left,
(Basileos Nikatoros Amyntou ... of King Amyntas, the victor)
Reference: MIG 385a, Bop 1A
This must be some coin to behold and hold in one's hand! The specimens illustrated by
Bopearachchi have diameters ranging from 62 to 67 mm, which is absolutely massive for a coin. What the purpose of these
remarkable objects was is unknown. (photo courtesy Osmund Bopearachchi)

Amyntas, Silver drachm (Indian standard)
Weight: 2.44 gm. Diameter: 17 mm Die axis: 12h
Diademed bust of king right, Greek legend around:
Zeus enthroned three-quarters left, holding scepter and palm in left arm,
and holding Athena in his outstretched right hand, monogram left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa jayadharasa / amitasa
Reference: MIG 388b, Bop 4B
Tetradrachms of this type are also known. Tetradrachms and drachms with a helmeted bust
are also known, but not illustrated here.

Amyntas, Silver drachm (Indian standard)
Weight: 2.36 gm. Diameter: 18 mm Die axis: 12h
Diademed bust of king right, wearing kausia, Greek legend around:
Zeus enthroned three-quarters left, holding scepter and palm in left arm,
and holding Athena in his outstretched right hand, monogram left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa jayadharasa / amitasa
Reference: MIG 391b, Bop 7B
No tetradrachms of this type are known.

Amyntas, Silver drachm (Indian standard)
Weight: 2.40 gm. Diameter: 19 mm Die axis: 12:30h
Seen from behind, diademed bust of king right,
holding spear in right hand, Greek legend around:
Zeus enthroned three-quarters left, holding scepter and palm in left arm,
and holding Athena in his outstretched right hand, monogram left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa jayadharasa / amitasa
Reference: MIG 392a, Bop 9B
Tetradrachms of this type are also known.

Amyntas, Silver tetradrachm (Indian standard)
Weight: 9.78 gm. Diameter: n.a. Die axis: 12h
Seen from behind, diademed and helmeted bust of king right,
holding spear in right hand, Greek legend around:
Zeus enthroned three-quarters left, holding scepter and palm in left arm,
and holding Athena in his outstretched right hand, monogram left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa jayadharasa / amitasa
Reference: MIG 393b, Bop 10B
The monogram on this coin is known only for the two denominations of this type (the
helmeted spearthruster types). (photo courtesy CNG)

Amyntas, Silver drachm (Indian standard)
Weight: 2.53 gm. Diameter: 19 mm Die axis: 12h
Seen from behind, diademed and helmeted bust of king right,
holding spear in right hand, Greek legend around:
Zeus enthroned three-quarters left, holding scepter and palm in left arm,
and holding Athena in his outstretched right hand, monogram left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa jayadharasa / amitasa
Reference: MIG 394, Bop 11A
These types are also known with theis more common monogram for Amyntas's coins.

Amyntas, Bronze Quadruple
Weight: 8.06 gm. Dimensions: 21 x 22 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of Zeus/Mithra right, wearing Phrygian cap,
scepter on left shoulder, Greek legend around:
Helmeted Athena standing left, holding spear and shield, monogram left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa / jayadharasa / amitasa
Reference: MIG 396b, Bop 14C

Amyntas, Bronze Quadruple
Weight: 8.14 gm. Dimensions: 21 x 22 mm Die axis: 12h
Bust of Zeus/Mithra right, wearing Phrygian cap,
Greek legend around:
Helmeted Athena standing left, holding spear and shield, monogram left,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa / jayadharasa / amitasa
Reference: MIG 396b, Bop 14C
This variety differs from the previous one only in that Zeus-Mithra does not have a scepter on
his shoulder. These two types were the only bronze coins issued by Amyntas.