Hermaios (also spelled Hermaues) was the last Greek king to rule in Gandhara and the Kabul valley. Apart from coins in his own
name (see next page), Hermaios also issued coins with a queen (presumably his wife) Calliope. Why he did so is not clear. Perhaps Hermaios himself
was not of royal parentage, while Calliope was. He may have then felt the need to feature her portrait on his early coins as a way to legitimize his rule. Only two
coin types, both seen below, were issued in this joint format.
Hermaios and Calliope |

Hermaios and Calliope, Silver tetradrachm
Weight: 6.86 gm. Diameter: 28 mm Die axis: 11h
Jugate diademed busts of king and queen right, Greek legend around:
(Basileos Soteros Hermaiou kai Callioes ... of King and Saviour Hermaios and Calliope)
Helmeted King mounted on horse prancing right,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa tratarasa heramayasa / kaliyapaya
Reference: MIG 407a, Bop 1B

Hermaios and Calliope, Silver drachm
Weight: 2.26 gm. Diameter: 16 mm Die axis: 12h
Jugate diademed busts of king and queen right, Greek legend around:
(Basileos Soteros Hermaiou kai Callioes ... of King and Saviour Hermaios and Calliope)
Helmeted King mounted on horse prancing right,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa tratarasa heramayasa / kaliyapaya
Reference: MIG 408b, Bop 2B