The state of Bikaner traces its origins to the 15th century when the city of Bikaner was established by Rao Bikaji, the younger son of the Raja of Jodhpur. During the
Mughal period, Bikanir was closely allied through treaty and marriage with the Mughal court and coins were issued in the name of the Mughal emperor. Bikaner came under
British control in 1818, but it was only in 1859 that the coinage started acknowledging British paramountcy. In 1876, the British offered to mint coins for the Princely States at no
charge if they agreed to follow British designs, and Bikaner agreed. Coins were ssued under this program only in 1894 and 1895, and Queen Victoria's portrait was featured on
the coinage.
Ganga Singh (1887-1942) |

Ganga Singh in name of Victoria Empress: Copper Quarter Anna
Weight: 6.53 gm. Diameter: 25 mm Die axis: 12 o'clock
Crowned bust of Victoria left, Victoria Empress around /
Legend, Bikanir State, One Quarter Anna, India, dated 1895
Reference: KM 71
An example of the coinage minted at the British mints on behalf of the Princely States. The quarter annas were issued only in 1895.

Ganga Singh Gold half mohur, VS 1994
Weight: 4.39 gm. Diameter: 19.5 mm Die axis: 12 o'clock
Bust of Ganga Singh facing, Nagari legend around:
maharajadhiraja sri ganga singhji bahadur /
Nagari legend: 1/2 / mohur / ganga shahi / 1994, surrounded by legend:
raj sri / bikaner and six symbols within circles
Reference: KM Y20
This is a presentation piece to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Ganga Singh's reign, possibly a restrike.

Ganga Singh Silver rupee, VS 1994
Weight: 13.03 gm. Diameter: 31 mm Die axis: 12 o'clock
Bust of Ganga Singh facing, Nagari legend around:
maharajadhiraja sri ganga singhji bahadur /
Fancy initial GS under a canopy, legend around:
raj sri bikaner / ganga shahi ek rupaya, with VS date 1994 (=1937 CE)
Reference: KM Y19
Although this coin is marked as a rupee, it is heavier (at over 13 gm) than the normal rupee of 11.66 gm and is clearly a presentation
piece to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Ganga Singh's reign.