Bhadrayasha is regarded as an Indo-Scythian ruler, although his coins name Zoilus II and are stylistically very similar
to the coins of the last "Indo-Greeks." Indeed, it is quite clear now that the lines between Greeks and Scythians were quite blurred by this time. Although
Bhadrayasha is listed last among the Indo-Greeks, the time of his reign is somewhat uncertain. Given that he names Zoilus II on his coins, he may
well have reigned shortly after that king.
Bhadrayasha |

Bhadrayasha, Silver drachm
Weight: 1.75 gm. Diameter: 16 mm. Die axis: 1h
Diademed bust of king right,
Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ / ZΩIΛOY
(Basileos Soteros Zoilou ... King Zoilos, the saviour)
Seen from behind, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding aegis
on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand, monograms left and right,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa tratarasa / bhadrayashasa
Reference: MIG 469b |
This coin shows both names, Zoilus on the front and Bhadrayasha on the back, which is rare to find on
these poorly executed coins.

Bhadrayasha, Silver drachm
Weight: 2.34 gm. Diameter: 15 mm. Die axis: 1h
Diademed bust of king right,
Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ / ZΩIΛOY
(Basileos Soteros Zoilou ... King Zoilos, the saviour)
Seen from behind, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding aegis
on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand, monograms left and right,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa tratarasa / bhadrayashasa
Reference: MIG 469b |

Bhadrayasha, Silver drachm
Weight: 2.35 gm. Diameter: 17 mm. Die axis: 12h
Diademed bust of king right,
Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ / ZΩIΛOY
(Basileos Soteros Zoilou ... King Zoilos, the saviour)
Seen from behind, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding aegis
on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand, monograms left and right,
Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa tratarasa / bhadrayashasa
Reference: MIG 469b |