Muhammad bin Sam (1204-1206) |

Muhammad bin Sam (1204-1206) Gold 20-ratti
Weight: 2.30 gm., Diameter: 17-18 mm., Die axis: 6 o'clock
Horseman galloping left, holding mace, Nagari legend around: samvat 1262 bhadrapada /
3-line Nagari legend: srima ha / mira mahama / da saamah,
Ref: GG B3, Raj 104 |
One of the first Islamic coins struck in Bengal, this coin was struck by the Ghorid general Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khalji in
the name of his overlord, Muhammad bin Sam, in 1204, soon after his conquest of the province. |
Mughith al-Din Yuzbak (1254-57) |

Mughith al-Din Yuzbak (1254-57) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.34 gm., Diameter: 28 mm., Die axis: 1 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan al-a'zam mughith al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar yuzbak al-sultan /
Legend: fi 'ahd al-imam al-musta'sim amir al-mu'minin,
marginal legend with AH date 653 (= 1255-56),
mint Lakhnauti, and citing the land tax of Azmardan and Nudiya
Ref: GG B76, Raj 139 |
The coins of the Bengal sultans were modeled on those of their original masters, the Delhi
Sultanate. |
Rukn al-Din Kaikaus (1290-1300) |

Rukn al-Din Kaikaus (1290-1300) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.93 gm., Diameter: 28 mm., Die axis: 4 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan al-a'zam rukn al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar kaikaus
al-sultan bin al-sultan bin sultan /
Legend: al-imam al-musta'sim amir al-mu'minin,
marginal legend with AH date and mint Lakhnauti
Ref: GG B89, Raj 147 |
Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur (1320-24) |

Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur (1320-24) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.87 gm., Diameter: 27 mm., Die axis: 4 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan al-a'zam ghiyath al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar bahadur shah
al-sultan bin sultan /
Legend: al-imam al-musta'sim amir al-mu'minin,
marginal legend with AH date and mint Lakhnauti
Ref: GG B108, Raj 167 |
Shams al-Din Ilyas (1342-57) |

Shams al-Din Ilyas (1342-57) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.69 gm., Diameter: 26 mm., Die axis: 7 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan al-adil shams al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar ilyas shah
al-sultan /
Legend: sikandar al-thani yamin al-khalifa amir al-mu'minin,
marginal legend with AH date and mint al-Balad Firuzabad
Ref: GG B151, Raj --- |
Sikandar bin Ilyas (1357-89) |

Sikandar bin Ilyas (1357-89) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.71 gm., Diameter: 24 mm., Die axis: 7 o'clock
Legend: shah sikandar ibn ilyas shah al-sultan /
Legend: al-mujahid fi sabil al-rahman, marginal legend with mint Firuzabad,
Ref: GG B165, Raj 209 |
Coins of the Bengal sultans are most often found with various kinds of test cuts, such as the big pit in the center and the
cuts at around 7 and 9 o'clock of the rim on the reverse of this coin. This suggests that counterfeiting must have been a significant problem. |

Sikandar bin Ilyas (1357-89) Silver tanka
Weight: 9.68 gm., Diameter: 26 mm., Die axis: 5 o'clock
Legend: al-wathiq bi-ta'yid al-rahman abu'l mujahid sikandar shah bin ilyas shah al-sultan,
margin: al-imam al-a'zam wa'l khalifat al'mu'azzam and four caliphs /
Legend: yamin khalifat allah nasir amir al-mu'minim ghawth al-islam wa'l muslimin khallada khilafatuhu,
marginal legend with date and mint Baldat al-Mahrusah Firuzabad
Ref: GG B192, Raj 206 |
Ghiyath al-Din A'zam (1389-1410) |

Ghiyath al-Din A'zam (1389-1410) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.73 gm., Diameter: 30 mm., Die axis: 10 o'clock
Legend: ghiyath al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar a'zamshah ibn sikandar shah ibn
ilyas shah al-sultan bin sultan, within a fancy diamond-shaped border /
Legend: nasir amir al-mu'minin ghawath al-islam wa'l muslimin khallada
allah malkahu, marginal legend with AH date and mint Firuzabad
Ref: GG B242, Raj 229 |
Saif al-Din Hamzah (1410-12) |

Saif al-Din Hamzah (1410-12) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.45 gm., Diameter: 25 mm., Die axis: 12 o'clock
Legend: al-mu'ayyad bi-ta'yid al-rahman saif al-dunya wa'l din abu'l mujahid
hamzah shah ibn a'zamshah al-sultan /
Legend: nasir al-islam wa'l muslimin yamin amir al-mu'minin, within ruled circle,
marginal legend with AH date?
Ref: GG B266, Raj 245 |
Hamzah Shah ruled for a brief period, and, as a consequence, his coins are scarce to rare. In all probability, he was a
puppet king, with real power resting in the hands of Raja Ganesh. No specimen of this coin type has ever had a legible marginal legend; it is attributed to Mu'azzamabad on the
basis of its style. |

Saif al-Din Hamzah (1410-12) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.45 gm., Diameter: 25 mm., Die axis: 12 o'clock
Legend: al-mu'ayyad bi-ta'yid al-rahman saif al-dunya wa'l din abu'l mujahid
hamzah shah ibn a'zamshah al-sultan /
Legend: nasir al-islam wa'l muslimin yamin amir al-mu'minin, within scalloped circle,
marginal legend with AH date?
Ref: GG B267, Raj --- |
This variety has the reverse legend within a scalloped circle ... a very rare variation. |
Shihab al-Din Bayazid (1412-14) |

Shihab al-Din Bayazid (1412-14) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.62 gm., Diameter: 31 mm., Die axis: 7 o'clock
Within scalloped circle, legend: al-mu'ayyad bi-ta'yid al-rahman shihab al-dunya wa'l din
abu'l muzaffar bayazid shah al-sultan /
Within octofoil, legend: nasir amir al-mu'minin ghawth al-islam wa'l muslimin,
marginal legend with four caliphs, mint Firuzabad and AH date 816
Ref: GG B281, Raj 249 |
Jalal al-Din Muhammad, first reign (1415-16) |

Jalal al-Din Muhammad, first reign (1415-16) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.46 gm., Diameter: 29-30 mm., Die axis: 3 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan al-'adil jalal al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar
muhammad shah al-sultan, within scalloped circle /
Legend: nasir amir al-mu'minin ghawth al-islam wa'l muslimin,
within inversely scalloped circle, marginal legend with prophets' names and AH date?
Ref: GG B309, Raj --- |
Jalal al-Din Muhammad was the adopted name of Jadu, son of the Hindu usurper Raja Ganesh, who became a Muslim
in order to forestall an invasion by the Sultan of Jaunpur (see next coin for further details). Although the coins do not have a mint name, they are normally attributed to Sunargaon.
The type is scarce, issued over a very short period of a few months. |
Danujamarddana Deva (1416-1418) |

Danujamarddana Deva (1416-1418) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.69 gm., Diameter: 30 mm., Die axis: 3 o'clock
3-line Bengali legend: sri sri da / nujamardda / na deva /
3-line Bengali legend: sri chandi / charana pa / rayana,
marginal legend with mint Chatigram (Chittagong) and Saka date 1339 (= 1417 CE)
Ref: GG B316, Raj 305 |
Although there is some uncertainty about the sequence of events, it appears that around 1414, when Sultan Bayazid
died, a Hindu adventurer named Raja Ganesh seized control over Bengal. Facing an imminent threat of invasion at the behest of a powerful Muslim holy man named Nur Qutb
al-'Alam, he appealed to the saint to call off his threat. The saint agreed, on condition that Raja Ganesh's son Jadu convert to Islam and rule in his place. Raja Ganesh agreed
and Jadu ruled as Jalal al-Din.
Nur Qutb died in 1415 or 1416 and Raja Ganesh was emboldened to depose his son and accede to the throne himself as Danujamarddana Deva. The coins he issued, such as
this one, are remarkable in that the legends are in Bengali letters of the time and the dates are in the Saka era. Danujamarddana Deva's reign was relatively short. |
Jalal al-Din Muhammad, second reign (1418-33) |

Jalal al-Din Muhammad, second reign (1418-33) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.78 gm., Diameter: 29-30 mm., Die axis: 4 o'clock
Legend: jalal al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar muhammad shah al-sultan
within scalloped circle /
Legend: nasir al-islam wa'l muslimin khallada mulkahu, within four-petalled flower,
marginal legend with mint Firuzabad and AH date 82x
Ref: GG B331, Raj 273 |
Jalal had had a brief first reign, was deposed apparently by his father, and then regained the throne presumably after his
father's death. Although he had converted to Islam under pressure, it appears he embraced the faith whole-heartedly; we see this in his returning the coinage to using Arabic
letters. |

Jalal al-Din Muhammad, second reign (1418-33) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.67 gm., Diameter: 29-30 mm., Die axis: 11 o'clock
Lion standing right, inscription above /
Legend: ruler's titles, within ornamental border
Ref: GG B342, Raj 283 |
Jalal issued these lion type coins, perhaps the most remarkable of the entire Bengal series. It is not known exactly why
these coins were issued. One theory is that they were issued to celebrate the arrival of a Chinese ambassador, another that they marked the withdrawal of Jaunpur's threatening
army. Regardless, they are most interesting and were copied by two later sultans and by the kings of Tripura. |
Rukn al-Din Barbak (1459-74) |

Rukn al-Din Barbak (1459-74) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.63 gm., Diameter: 26 mm., Die axis: 9 o'clock
Legend /
Legend: Shahada, marginal legend with mint Dar al-Darb and AH date 873 (= 1468-69)
Ref: GG B527, Raj 367 |
Jalal al-Din Fath (1481-86) |

Jalal al-Din Fath (1481-86) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.62 gm., Diameter: 26 mm., Die axis: 4 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan ibn al-sultan jalal al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar,
solar countermarks (bankers' marks?) /
Legend, continued from obverse: fath shah al-sultan ibn mahmud shah al-sultan,
marginal legend with mint Dar al-Darb, AH date not readable
Ref: GG B615, Raj 411 |
A scarce type with very interesting countermarks on the obverse, not at all like the usual chop or test marks we see on
Bengal Sultanate coins. |
Ala' al-Din Husain (1493-1519) |

Ala' al-Din Husain (1493-1519) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.32 gm., Diameter: 26 mm., Die axis: 12 o'clock
Legend: ala' al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar husain shah al-sultan khallada
allah mulkahu wa sultanahu /
Legend: Shahada, with mint Fathabad and AH date 899 (= 1493-94)
Ref: GG B706, Raj 467 |

Ala' al-Din Husain (1493-1519) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.58 gm., Diameter: 26 mm., Die axis: 11 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan al-fath al-kamru wa kamta wa jajnagar wa urisa
ala' al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar /
Legend: husain shah al-sultan bin sayyid ashraf al-husaini khallada
allah mulkahu wa sultanahu , with mint name Husainabad and AH date
Ref: GG B741, Raj 471 |
An example of Husain's fourth victory type, in which he proclaims his victories
over Kamru, Kamta, Jajnagar and Orissa. |

Ala' al-Din Husain (1493-1519) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.52 gm., Diameter: 28 mm., Die axis: 2 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan al-adil ala' al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar
Legend: husain shah al-sultan bin sayyid ashraf al-husaini khallada
allah mulkahu wa sultanahu, , with AH date 906
Ref: GG B773, Raj --- |
This is an example of Type 3 of Husain's coins with ruler's titles on both sides of the coin.
A superb example, much better than the one illustrated in Goron & Goenka, which resolves their questions about what was on the last line of each
side of the coin. |
Nasir al-Din Nusrat (1519-31) |

Nasir al-Din Nusrat (1519-31) Silver tanka
Weight: 10.58 gm., Diameter: 24 mm., Die axis: 12 o'clock
Legend: al-sultan bin al-sultan nasir al-dunya wa'l din abu'l muzaffar /
Legend, continued from obverse: nusrat shah al-sultan bin husain shah
al-sultan al-husaini khallada mulkahu
Ref: GG B806, Raj 514 |
Ghiyath al-Din Mahmud (1532-38) |

Ghiyath al-Din Mahmud (1532-38) Silver quarter tanka
Weight: 2.47 gm., Diameter: 16 mm., Die axis: 11 o'clock
Legend: within central circle: badr shahi, surrounded by usual legend /
Legend: within central circle: badr shahi, surrounded by legend
Ref: GG B903, Raj --- |
Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur (1555-60) |

Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur (1555-60) Silver rupee
Weight: 11.43 gm., Diameter: 32 mm., Die axis: 1 o'clock
Legend: within central square: bahadur shah bin muhammad shah ghazi khallada
allah mulkahu wa sultanahu, below, in Nagari: sri bahadur shah,
date in left margin: AH (96)5 (= 1557-58)/
Legend: within central square, Shahada, in margins, names of the four caliphs
Ref: GG B967, Raj 587 |
Note the higher weight of this coin as compared to earlier Bengal Sultanate coins: it is a rupee! Sher Shah became
Sultan of Bengal, and indeed of Delhi, in 1539 (AH 945). As part of his major monetary reform soon thereafter, he created and introduced the rupee, which became the standard
coinage in Bengal and most of the rest of India. Note the similarity of style of this coin and those of Sher Shah, which can be seen here.

Chittagong Silver trade tanka in name of Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur
Weight: 10.19 gm., Diameter: 23 mm., Die axis: 11 o'clock
Legend: bahadur shah sultan bin muhammad shah sultan khallada
allah mulkahu wa sultanahu, AH date (9)59 (= 1551-52) /
Legend: Shahada and al-sultan bin al-sultan
GG B1010, MLW 282 |
This coin belongs to a rare series of coins of lower weight (tanka standard) that circulated in the Chittagong region to
facilitate trade. It is struck in the name of Ghiyath al-Din Bahadur, but dated AH 959, which is before he bacame sultan. Probably he was viceroy in the Chittagong area to his
father, Sultan Muhammad. |
Ghiyath al-Din Jalal (1560-63) |

Ghiyath al-Din Jalal (1560-63) Silver rupee, Satgaon mint
Weight: 11.43 gm., Diameter: 30 mm., Die axis: 10 o'clock
Legend: within central square: sultan jalal al-din bin muhammad shah ghazi khallada
allah mulkahu, no Nagari name, date off flan/
Legend: within central square, Shahada, in margins, names of the four caliphs
Ref: GG B971, Raj 592 |
Jalal Shah was the brother of Bahadur Shah. |

Ghiyath al-Din Jalal (1560-63) Silver rupee, mintless (Lakhnauti?)
Weight: 11.42 gm., Diameter: 30 mm., Die axis: 1 o'clock
Legend: within central square: sultan jalal al-din bin muhammad shah ghazi khallada
allah mulkahu, no Nagari name, date in left margin: AH (96)9 (= 1561-62)/
Legend: within central square, Shahada, in margins, names of the four caliphs
Ref: GG B972, Raj 594 |