Krishnavarma II (516-540) |

Krishnavarma II potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri do sha ra shi

Kannada legend: shashankah

Weight: 0.43 gm, Diameter: 12 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.3-5.6

Krishnavarma II potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri do sha ra shi
Kannada legend: shashankah
Weight: 0.38 gm, Diameter: 11 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.3-5.6

Krishnavarma II potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri do sha ra shi
Kannada legend: shashankah
Weight: 0.25 gm, Diameter: 10 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.7-5.6

Krishnavarma II potin unit
Circle divided into 4 wedges, Kannada legend within: do sha ra shi
Weight: 0.53 gm, Diameter: 12 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.7-5.11
On this variety, the circle on the obverse is divided into only 4 compartments and the legend is reduced to dosharashi
instead of sri dosharashi. Also, the reverse legend is missing. Although Ganesh catalogues this variety after the previous type, I suspect it came earlier chronologically.
"Sri Mānarāshi" |

"Sri Mānarāshi" potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri ma na ra shi

Four-spoke chakras
Weight: 0.37 gm, Diameter: 11 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.12-5.17
Besides the coins with the legend dosharashi, there was only one other legend found on the coins: manarashi.
Girijapathy and Subrahmanya (Numismatic Digest, 31, 2007) read this legend as srimad ravi and attributed the coins to Ravivarma II, but this reading does not seem
to be correct. As yet, the king to whom this epithet applies has not been discovered.

"Sri Mānarāshi" potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri ma na ra shi
Four-spoke chakras
Weight: 0.23 gm, Diameter: 11 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.12-5.17
Many of the hoard coins arrived with chips broken off, like on this coin, or even perforations, like the next.

"Sri Mānarāshi" potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri ma na ra shi
Four-spoke chakras
Weight: 0.22 gm, Diameter: 12 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.12-5.17

"Sri Mānarāshi" potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri ma na ra shi

Four-spoke chakras
Weight: 0.30 gm, Diameter: 12 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.12-5.17 var
A few coins have an unusually-shaped na in the legend, like on this coin.

"Sri Mānarāshi" potin unit
Circle divided into 5 wedges, Kannada legend within: sri ma na ra shi
Two conches
Weight: 0.43 gm, Diameter: 12 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.18-5.19
Although the photo doesn't show them very clearly, this variety has two conches on the reverse, very clear in hand. Some
coins have just one conch; I suspect, like the chakra types, there were multiple conches on the die and how many showed up on the coin depended upon where on the
die the coin was struck. Notice also the center of the obverse is different on this type; raher than a simple circle of dots, there is a bead radiating five bead-tipped spikes.
Anepigraphic coins: Flower type |

Flower type uniface potin unit
Six-petalled flower within a circle
Weight: 0.42 gm, Diameter: 12 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.20-34
The hoard contained uniface anepigraphic coins of three general types: flowers, chakras, and conches. These
six-petalled flowers are also seen on the reverses of certain Pallava coins; see R. Krishnamurthy: The Pallava Coins, types 231ff.

Flower type uniface potin unit
Six-petalled flower within a circle
Weight: 0.51 gm, Diameter: 13 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.20-34
Chakra type |

Chakra type uniface potin unit
4-spoke chakra
Weight: 0.43 gm, Diameter: 14 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.36-38
The chakra types displayed chakras of different sizes and with different numbers of spokes. This one has
four spokes in a 7 mm diameter circle.

Chakra type uniface potin unit
4-spoke chakra
Weight: 0.43 gm, Diameter: 11 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.36-38
Although the flan is smaller on this coin, the chakra is bigger, with an 8 mm diameter circle.

Chakra type uniface potin unit
4-spoke chakra within dotted border
Weight: 0.11 gm, Diameter: 10 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.39
Here there is a tiny 5 mm. chakra within a dotted border.

Chakra type uniface potin unit
5-spoke chakra
Weight: 0.33 gm, Diameter: 14 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.40-42
Now a five-spoke chakra.

Chakra type uniface potin unit
5-spoke chakra within a dotted border.
Weight: 0.41 gm, Diameter: 13 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi --- (unlisted)
A five-spoke chakra within a dotted border.

Chakra type uniface potin unit
6-spoke chakra
Weight: 0.37 gm, Diameter: 11 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.43-44
A six-spoke chakra. Although Ganesh reports only up to a 6-spoke chakra, I have a 7-spoke and an
8-spoke chakra in my collection.

Chakra type uniface potin unit
6-spoke chakra
Weight: 0.33 gm, Diameter: 13 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.43-44
Conch type |

Conch type uniface potin unit
Conch within dotted border
Weight: 0.15 gm, Diameter: 10 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.51-58
The conch types all seem to be on smaller flans and have a lower weight; perhaps they were a lower denomination.

Conch type uniface potin unit
Conch within dotted border
Weight: 0.20 gm, Diameter: 9 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.51-58

Conch type uniface potin unit
Conch within dotted border
Weight: 0.13 gm, Diameter: 9 mm.
Ref: K. Ganesh: Coins of Banavasi 5.51-58